From Baethi, we started walking on the forest path.
Occasionally the canopy of endless greenery would clear up and reveal small
settlements. One such settlement was Atkuni: a small hamlet which had an
ancient Bhairav temple. After some time the forest path ended and we came into
a small town. We had to descend a mountain whose entire valley was under paddy
cultivation. It was quite tricky. The greenery of the endless paddy was almost
blinding. After the endless paddy fields we came across an auxiliary road which
will take us to where we intend to stay the night: Gothu. Once we reached
Gothu, Maamaji told everyone that tomorrow’s trek would the most difficult one
so we better get some good sleep. Nevertheless, I decided to join maamaji for
the sathsang that he was supposed to convene at the nearby temple. He openly
admired and approved my peity. Sathsang was fun with the now familiar Garhwali
tunes and impromptu dances by 70 year olds. Gothu was also incidentally the last
place where I could keep up my asana practices.
I was dropping off S for one of her meetings. The conversation meandered into how some of our volunteer friends were talking about me leaving IYC. S was observing that we would have never got married if I was not a Isha teacher at that time. She also observed how my deciding to move to Blore was kind of thrust upon her. It was a fair observation yet painful for me to hear it. At some point, I felt the need to justify/explain/clarify that i am a seeker. Still a seeker. After I said it, I felt a moment of pause within me. Am I a seeker? I felt embarrassed that I have to claim me being a seeker in so many words. Am I really a seeker? What does being a seeker mean? Does it mean that I should be living in an ashram? Does it mean that I need to work 100% and more towards a larger-than-life goal? Does it mean that I am checking out of "Hotel California" ? i.e. I am done with the world and ready for something else? Does it mean to live a constant affirmation that I may not know every...
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