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Being 30

Joey is a man from own heart when he says: "Let the others grow up... Not Me!".
Can't believe I am thirty now. Always thought 30 is something which happens to others..Should have seen this coming along. The other day a new intern joined my team and she kept calling me 'sir'..Didn't give it much thought till i checked out her resume and the kid was born in '93 (That's after the year Roja got released!!!)! Also that day when the kid next door kept sobbing the words"Sorry uncle" to me because his cricket ball landed on my car windshield.
Felt an urgency to do many things in life today. A lot of questions to answer.

Yet the inexorable march of time is exciting. For one, the density of my life's experience in the last few years is keeping me on my toes and i don't want to slack off in any way.

Till now, Life had put me in many unenviable situations. Those moments sometimes make me feel uncomfortable or at worst make me feel ashamed of myself. I guess I am not proud of what cards life dealt with me. However I have always been reasonably proud of how I dealt with those cards. So here's me saying to 2013: "Bring it on!"

Wanted to share a poem which a friend shared with me long time back. Somehow this poem resonated with me today:

நல்லது தீயது நாமறியோம்
நாமறியோம் நாமறியோம்
நின்னைச் சரணடைந்தேன்! - கண்ணம்மா!

"Neither Good nor evil can we make out; we surrender to Thee."

Mahakavi Bharathiar


  1. Belated wishes to my fav annaaaaa...hope u r good... guess who I am...:-D

  2. No! Who is this Tinu? Is it a play on "Tina" ??


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